is milk better than water for hydration

When it comes to hydration, the conversation typically starts and stops at water. But, did you know there’s another contender that might be more effective? Today, we delve into the question: Is milk better than water for hydration?is milk better than water for hydration

The Basic Need For Hydration

First and foremost, let’s understand the importance of hydration. Hydration is vital because our bodies are composed of around 60% water, which plays a critical role in various bodily functions, from regulating body temperature to transporting nutrients. It is recommended to regularly check your daily water intake (check it here at to ensure you stay properly hydrated.

The Power of Milk Hydration

Surprisingly, research suggests that milk might be superior to water when it comes to hydration. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that milk has a ‘sponge-like’ effect, making you feel hydrated longer.

Milk Vs. Water: The Science

Milk is high in essential nutrients and electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, which can help replenish the body after exertion. Additionally, the proteins in milk can slow down the process of emptying fluid from your stomach, keeping you hydrated for longer periods.

On the other hand, while water is crucial for our survival and does help with hydration, it does not naturally contain the electrolytes that are lost during physical activity. Thus, plain water might not be as efficient in rehydrating the body, especially after intense exercise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to drink milk or water after a workout? Based on research, milk can be more beneficial after a workout because it contains proteins and electrolytes that aid in recovery and hydration.

Can milk hydrate you like water does? Yes, milk can hydrate you like water does and, in some cases, even better due to its additional nutrients and electrolytes.

Does drinking milk instead of water cause any adverse effects? While milk has its benefits, it should not replace water entirely in your diet. Some people are lactose intolerant, and milk can contain additional calories which may impact your diet.

Remember, balance is key when it comes to hydration. Checking your daily water intake at can help ensure you’re getting just the right amount of fluids.

Conclusion: Hydration Beyond Water

In conclusion, while water is a fundamental aspect of hydration, milk offers some distinct advantages, especially post-exercise. As always, individual needs may vary, and it is essential to listen to your body and consult a healthcare provider if you have any questions. Stay hydrated!


  1. Milk as an effective post-exercise rehydration drink | British Journal of Nutrition
  2. Water: How much should you drink every day? – Mayo Clinic

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