Is it Safe to Drink Distilled Water

We’ve all heard the age-old adage, “Drink eight glasses of water a day.” But when it comes to drinking water, not all types are created equal. Nowadays, there is a variety of options out there to choose from, including purified drinking water, filtered water, and distilled water. So what’s the difference between these types of water and which one should you be drinking? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of drinking distilled water.

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is a type of purified water that has been boiled and evaporated away from liquid form. It then gets cooled and condensed back into liquid form, leaving all impurities behind in their solid state. The end result is a highly pure form of H2O with a neutral pH level that is free of minerals or contaminants. Many people prefer to drink distilled water because they believe it to be safer than tap or bottled water due to its lack of additives or pollutants.


Pros & Cons of Drinking Distilled Water

On the plus side, since distilled water is free from contamination, it can be beneficial for those who have certain health issues such as kidney stones or gout since it does not contain any minerals that could aggravate these conditions. It can also help reduce mineral buildup in appliances like coffee makers and steam irons that use hard tap water for their operations. Furthermore, because distillation removes almost all impurities from the source material (such as bacteria), distilled drinking waters can often provide additional protection against disease-causing microorganisms when compared with other forms of purified drinking waters like reverse osmosis or deionized waters.

On the downside, while distilled drinking waters may be safe to consume on an occasional basis, long-term consumption may not be recommended due to their lack of essential electrolytes like calcium and magnesium which are found in other types of purified drinking waters like reverse osmosis or deionized waters (which are usually enhanced with additional minerals). In addition, some experts warn that consuming too much distilled drinking waters could potentially lead to dehydration due to its lack of electrolytes which are essential for maintaining proper hydration levels in our bodies.

When it comes down to choosing what type of drinking water you should drink on a daily basis, your best bet would be either filtered or reverse osmosis/deionized purification systems if you have access to them since they tend to contain more beneficial minerals than just plain tap or bottled water on its own. However, if you’re looking for an occasional alternative then distilled drinking waters can provide an extra layer of protection against disease-causing microorganisms while still being safe enough for occasional consumption without having any major adverse impacts on your health over time. Just remember – moderation is key!

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